Non-informative Priors
"If nothing is known about the value of a parameter, then a non-informative prior is usedemdash;typically, this is a rectangular distribution over the feasible set of values of the parameter.
Another approach, the empirical Bayes method , utilizes the data to inform the prior distribution. [?]
Upton & Cook (2002)
"Non-informative prior distribution: A prior distribution which is non-commital about a parameter, for example, a uniform distribution ."
Everitt (1998)
DATTA, Gauri Sankar and Malay GHOSHOn the Invariance of Noninformative Priors , The Annals of Statistics, 1996, Vol. 24, No. 1, 141]159
IRONY, Telba Z. and Nozer D. SINGPURWALLA, Noninformative Priors Do Not Exist: A Discussion with Jos´e M. Bernardo
SMITH, George P., Expressing Prior Ignorance of a Probability Parameter
SYVERSVEEN, Anne Randi, Noninformative Bayesian Priors. Interpretation and Problems with Construction and Applications.
YANG, Ruoyong and James O. BERGER, A Catalog of Noninformative Priors
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